Algebra tutors and WARNING about Prof. Weissman. If you are about to take the bait presented in ALGEBRAX.ZIP be forewarned. A little over three years ago I did that and later regretted it. When I sent my order to BUY the complete commercial program I discovered that it consisted of SIX (yes 6) disks at a total cost of about $130. Being an ethical person I sent the money, believing that I could install on my hard drive and use it freely. BUT not so. Discovered that he has sneakily protected them, by EVERLOK, so that they can be thus transferred only twice unless each time they are again MOVED back to the floppies after each use. That becomes quite a nuisance, When one buys something legitimately, and pays the requested sum, one normally expects to own the property free and clear with no encumberance. But not with that author. He retains control of the merchandise in such a way that if you fail to MOVE it back to floppy after use you must eventually re-purchase new copies from him. To me that constitutes cheating. I had considerable direct correspondence with him asking for copies which I could transfer to HD and use freely as MY property. I assured that I would safeguard his copyright and would not copy the program for use by someone else. But he was adamant and intransigent, flatly refusing to do anything about it and saying that it would be a very great labor to eliminate the PROTECTION. His statement was "it is so embedded in my code that it would take weeks to create a non-protected version". That is a untruth becaue he would have to originally write them in unprotected form, so that he could later make any revisions that seemed needed, and then install the EVERLOCK protect which he uses for the disks that we buy. But any sensible author will save his personal original without the PROTECT included. I have a privately created program which completely removes the EVERLOK protection in about ten seconds from each disk. Actually there exists a $75 commercial program which DEPROTECTS them nearly instantly, but I had not felt that such an additional investment should be necessary after paying him the requested fee for his tutor program. In order to use them at MY OWN convenience I now have all six disks DEPROTECTED and compressed in ZIP for compact storage so I can copy indiscriminantly as many times as I wish. But I will not upload to any BBS because that would be illegal. I am personally fully competant in the subject but had bought the program for instruction of a young member of my family. If you really insist on having that instruction I can be helpful. You must leave me a message on HOT TIPS BBS (818)-248-3088,with your phone number (I would call collect if outside of 818 area) and the time when you will be there to answer the phone. In order to promote your education I can provide several other non-commercial algebra tutorials FREE which are more simple and, in my opinion, more instructive. These others are not tied to any text books,such as are tied into the WEISSMAN programs. They are self-contained. I am Ralph Huff